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Poeta Doctus White

Poeta Doctus White


3 Einträge

Poeta Doctus White am 02.07.24 um 22:58

Wer ist mutig, frei vom Geist und will mit mir arbeiten

What`s up fellows,

Nun da ich Autor (Poet, Essayist und Novelist) bin suche ich euch, um mit mir zusammen meine lyrik zu vertonen. Ihr habt natürlich alle Freiheiten euren Sound zu meiner eingespielten Spoken Word zu gestalten. Ich hoffe auf solidarische Unvoreingenommenheit...

With kind Regards


Poeta Doctus White am 11.08.23 um 20:23

Enlightenment to my sister:

Enlightenment to my sister:

Sitting on the armchair at the age of five and watching the comic strip: The man without fear: with my mother, who was lying near the window on the sofa, my sister (8 years old) ran into the living room, she said loudly and categorically:

I saw him!

My mother: Don't you want to watch TV, dear?

Sister: I think dad is sick!

How did you come up with such a...

Poeta Doctus White am 30.08.20 um 15:11

Der Song auf alternative Weise als Single zum Album White Night

High Indie musicians,

the old song Profound Muse Alternative you could hear on my profil and don`t be shy to judge this song

I really trust in you all, well go on................................


stay healthy and drive on with all your productions



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