BYP Party pics
BYP stands for Back Yard Party since 2000 there were 4 Back Yard Parties. Every end of Summer a party was orginaised by a friend (Anno) and me. The pictures are from several parties.
BYP stands for Back Yard Party since 2000 there were 4 Back Yard Parties. Every end of Summer a party was orginaised by a friend (Anno) and me. The pictures are from several parties.

Half way to Christmas party
In June we decided to give a Half way to christmas party... and here are the pics
In June we decided to give a Half way to christmas party... and here are the pics

The white room
Ich habe meine neue zimmer ganz weiss gestrichen wie dass album von The KLF, the white room. Meine equipement habe ich hierein gepackt un seh wie es aussieht.
Ich habe meine neue zimmer ganz weiss gestrichen wie dass album von The KLF, the white room. Meine equipement habe ich hierein gepackt un seh wie es aussieht.