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Carter Lachmann Project

Timo Lachmann, Curtis Carter
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Carter Lachmann Project
The Carter-Lachmann Project is one of Germany’s newest and promising sounds in original Funk & Soul music. The Project consists of American singer and songwriter Curtis Carter, a Virginia native now living in Germany for the last 3 years, and Timo Lachmann, an accomplished guitarist and songwriter born and raised in Germany. The merging of these 2 goes back at least two or more years at a concert of Lachmann’s were he and Carter met for the first time. “I really liked his music” said Carter “it was good with that certain sound that I couldn’t put my finger on”. They were introduced and Carter was asked to join a Funk band three weeks later along with Lachmann and drummer Sven Edler.
In August of 2008 Carter approached Lachmann about starting a project of original songs and the Carter-Lachmann Project (CL-Project) was born.

Album: The Debut

The Debut

fine Funk & Soul music
Empfehlung am 27.08.2010
Can You Survive
R&B - Mai 2009
4:18 Min

Album: Nothing But The Funk

Nothing But The Funk

Das Album ist noch im Entstehen. Hier ist schonmal ein erster Eindruck:
Funk - Februar 2011
3:50 Min
Aufrufe 10111 mal aufgerufen
Hörzeit 120:14:35 Stunden angehört    Klicks 23596 mal angehört

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