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Markus Beimel aka DJ HappyHour, MG Stylez celebrated his early success as a DJ in clubs. He meet DJBassNrg when he became a Resident DJ for

They published there first single on june 6th 2010. After that he and Ravergizer produced the Single "Move that Body".

After his last release with the Handsup Playerz and G-zACK he decided to start his own Label in 2011. He named his Label Cool Bass! Media. His Label is specialized on electronical music. One of the Goals of his Label is to give young Artists an opportunity to release their own music.

The main Artist is Markus Beimel aka MG Stylez himself. He is already well known in the electronical music scene and takes every Remix challenge.

Demotapes are gladly seen and can be send to
Important: Please upload the Demos on any Filehoster and just give us the link in your mail.


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