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Flashtune in the real is Krzysztof Żak (born 25.05.1990) young producer and remixer. He comes from Gniazdów, the small place near Częstochowa.
He was interested in music from the childhood! When he had 9 years bought first keyboard! He learnt privately, but after two years he stopped to interest him plays on that! After some time he started "eJay" on his computer...He liked the "track" which did, but he didn't think, that after a few years he would like creating music! When he created first track yet as DJ ChrizaK, he stopped to creating music with the blocks!
The idea about professional to creating music appear in the end of the July 2006! From that time He's using Fruity Loops. His style is Hands Up!/ Hard Dance!
He dream of the beautiful track, that it would be release at good label...


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