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allstyle - music - junkie!

1991 - Zeitzone (Kaotic13 + Taima) / Electrocross
1996 - Emotive (Kaotic13 + Wortfilter) / Art Industrial Music
2000 - 4² (Kaotic13 + DJ Badass) / Hip Hop Cross

1971 - Kaotic13 / Electronica

top 30 artists::

The Beatles, Pitchshifter, Tori Amos, Queens of the stone age, God is an astronaut, Kraftwerk, K.I.Z., Mediengruppe Telekommander, Motörhead, Boards of canada, Filter, José González, Tool, Pendulum, The Crystal Method, Cypress Hill, Type 0 Negative, Kate Bush, Nine Inch Nails, Sevendust, Opeth, Katatonia, A perfect circle, Celldweller, DMX, Soundgarden, Thom Yorke, BT, Outkast, The Streets.......


Album: Up(pers) + D(owners) / (the green hotel)

Up(pers) + D(owners) / (the green hotel)

K13 / 2007- 2008

Album: Pre-Flash EP

Pre-Flash EP

e-lectronic sound crossing - 2005/2006
Electro - April 2006
4:27 Min
3:42 Min

Album: In the mixxx

In the mixxx

Aufrufe 13437 mal aufgerufen
Hörzeit 159:30:10 Stunden angehört    Klicks 18847 mal angehört

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