Spirits dream the art.
Album: Sternenlieder

Download via the Internet Archive:http://archive.org/details/PL013
Download via Kalpamantra:
Official info text:
"Sternenlieder" ("Songs of the Stars") is an homage to the magical, yet free worlds and spirits that some childlike minds are possible to create.
A requiem.
A sad looking back.
An entreating call for times when a lonely snowflake was turning into music;
when creatures at night were standing beside your bed, scaring - but anyhow familiar to you!
"Sternenlieder" is dedicated to the utterly beautiful stars, where some of the children's souls travel night by night...
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Cathedral of Flyers - 2009 (Demos)
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( http://www.thisplagueofdreaming.net )
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A Landscape built by Whispers
Freier Download auf:http://www.thisplagueofdreaming.net
1. The Whisperbox
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