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Our Ceasing Voice

Sebu, ChrisO, Reini, Andi
Österreich Tirol
Ich bin: Band

Lass mal hören!

Our Ceasing Voice
wir machen musik, wofür musik gemacht ist.

Album: Steadied Stars In The Morphium Sky (EP)

Steadied Stars In The Morphium Sky (EP)

our ceasing voice - steadied stars in the morphium sky
01 - the inevitable fall
02 - of lives once lost
03 - as the horizon's on fire
04 - dazzled eyes are shut.

All songs written and performed by our ceasing voice

our ceasing voice is:
Sebastian Obermeir - guitars, programming
Christoph Graus - bass, acoustic guitars
Reinhard Obermeir - guitars, vocals
Andreas Mayrl - drums

Produced, recorded and mixed by Sebastian Obermeir
Mastered by Robin Schmidt at 24-96 Mastering Studios

Samples on this work taken from:
• AMBIENT LOOP - PerfectSpectacularHi-QualityRain+Thunderstorm004.mp3 by Arctura
• chimes.mp3 by schluppipuppie
• 1077517916.aboutGod
• 1089505831.union_square by wm
• 1120498003.copter by Brad Simpson

Cover Design: Christoph Graus
cover Photography: Reinhold Rittinger
Voice on dazzled eyes are shut: Lisi Riha

Thanks to all friends, and family.

If you want to purchase a physical copy of this record, please visit:
5€ plus shipping costs.

Your support is appreciated.

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NO Derivative Works 3.0 Austria License.
Some rights reserved.
9:34 Min
8:06 Min
Aufrufe 10484 mal aufgerufen
Hörzeit 228:53:02 Stunden angehört    Klicks 22865 mal angehört

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